Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: WWE Summerslam Pay Per Views

Number 5: Summerslam 2008


I will quickly forget the fact that Triple H battled The Great Khali. That speaks volumes for where the main event talent was in 2008. It was basically an event that overshadowed the two major championships. John Cena and Batista faced off for the very first time, which was three years in the making. Batista and Cena were on similar paths in their career, but never crossed. The match was physical, intense, and had a great Batista Bomb on Cena which would turn out to injure him. JBL and CM Punk fought for the World Title in a rather underrated match. JBL took the early advantage and punished Punk, until the scrappy Champion snuck away with the win. The main event was Edge, coming off the hottest streak in his career, against The Undertaker inside Hell in a Cell. I can remember the rage, the sheer brilliance, and intensity Edge portrayed heading into this match. His interview with Mick Foley on Smackdown the previous week was incredible, and put Edge in a mental state I have never seen him before. His acting was intense, and the match did not let down. Edge would go spear crazy on Taker, but it was Undertaker sending him to Hell, burying Edge through the ring and on fire. What a sight this way, and a memorable moment in both men’s illustrious careers.


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