Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: WWE Summerslam Pay Per Views

Number 6: Summerslam 1997

Shawn Michaels

“Hart and Soul” was the theme for Summerslam 1997, as 4 of the 5 members of the Hart Foundation would do battle in important matches. Brian Pillman may have been the best mid card guy at the time, and showed it in a match with Goldust. The match was forgettable in some aspects, but Pillman managed to eat his words and have to wear a dress because of the loss. The British Bulldog successfully defended his European Championship against Ken Shamrock in a great match. This was a test of wills, a battle of strength, and an excellent showcasing of two different men in terms of technicality. Owen Hart lost the Intercontinental Championship to Stone Cold Steve Austin, but not after he broke Austin’s neck with a Piledriver. One sight that looks worse and worse each time is when Austin’s neck was planted in the ring. What a moment in history, one that crosses the invisible realistic line. At the end of the night, guest referee Shawn Michaels accidentally nailed The Undertaker in the skull with a chair that would help Bret Hart retain the WWE Championship. If you want to find a great combination of matches, athletic mixed with good character development, Summerslam 1997 was it. This was a really good Summerslam, and one that had more importance coming out of it than going in.


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