Mr. Anderson

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Wrestling Chants and Slogans

Number 8: “You Suck”

Kurt Angle

When Kurt Angle was going through the toughest transition in his career, aside from going from performing in front of 10,000 a week to 300, Angle was a heel that needed the crowd to hate him. It was not easy, especially since he paved years and years of excellent matches and breathtaking moments for fans to remember. It was a simple “You suck” every single time his song came on. It fit perfectly and was so clever and so stupid at the same time. Nonetheless, Kurt Angle was a guy that needed heat and this was a comical and fun way for the crowd to chant that with Angle. If he does come back to WWE, I am sure the fans will still chant “you suck” to him. I found it incredible that, even when he turned face, fans would still chant it and he spun it around by talking about his opponent that night. Arguably the most gifted wrestler in history, Angle certainly never sucked.


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