Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: What We Learned at WWE Money in the Bank

Number 6: Dolph Ziggler is not on that level

Dolph Ziggler

This is a tough pill to swallow for me. I am a huge fan of Ziggler, like many of you. Unfortunately, we put Ziggler in a category that he has not reached yet. Dolph Ziggler losing to Del Rio proves thatt WWE does not think he is on the level of Cena, Orton, Bryan, and Punk. Dolph Ziggler is scary good in the ring, exciting outside of it, and showcases his desire and will to be successful. For whatever reason, WWE is shy to give him a huge push. He worked great with Cena only to be in a tag team championship match at Wrestlemania. He finally cashed in, only to lose it a month later. He turns face, only to lose to Del Rio a month later. He gets broken up with, only to get attacked by Langston. See a pattern here? Ziggler still has time to reach the pinnacle of WWE, but it won’t be happening anytime soon.


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