Title This: WWE Money in the Bank Reaction

John Cena defeats Mark Henry

John Cena

It was a heavyweight battle of will versus power. John Cena has been the guy in WWE for over a decade. Mark Henry has been there the whole time but is finding the fountain of youth. I stand by my saying that if this was any other month before Wrestlemania or Summerslam (in this case) that Mark Henry would be WWE Champion. The crowd embraced Henry throughout the match and really helped a slug fest feel more important. Time and time again John Cena would have to pull out all the stops. I loved the quick attacks from Henry to overpower Cena. The body press onto the steel steps was a nice touch from Henry. As the action got back in the ring, Henry continued to hit splashes, big power slams, and more physical moves to put Cena on the ropes. John Cena hit an Attitude Adjustment, but Henry kicked out. Henry hit a World's Strongest Slam, but he kicked out. The match was full of drama. Being on the edge of your seat is not easy when it comes to a John Cena match, but everyone was. WWE successfully capitalized on a great promo from Henry, the established champion of Cena, and a live crowd that loves to hate.

Grade: B


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