Isenberg and Killam Run Down the WWE Championship Money in the Bank Participants

Rob Van Dam

Isenberg: This is a wild card for me. I cannot see RVD coming back and being a number one contender. I can see RVD starting a feud much more important after this match, but who? Many assume he will be involved with Paul Heyman, CM Punk, and Brock Lesnar. I am not too sure I feel this is the best possible usage for him so quickly. I love to see RVD hit a few of his spots in ladder matches, but haven't we seen them all? Nonetheless, it will be fun to see him back in the WWE. I just really hope WWE does not use him for a briefcase winner just to spice things up. It is not needed. 

Killam: The last time Rob Van Dam and John Cena were in an "ECW city" and Cena was the champion, they put on one of the best matches, and created one of the best moments of the past decade. Keep that in mind tonight. Many are saying RVD won't win, and this match is only to promote his return. I don't completely buy that; Vince McMahon had enough faith in him in 2007 to make him WWE Champion and re-brand ECW on his shoulders. He left in controversial fashion, but smoking pot isn't a reason to kill a career. I don't know how much faith I'd actually put in this idea, but how cool would it be if Van Dam actually won Money in the Bank, and then cashed in on John Cena in the same night? Philly would explode. 


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