Isenberg and Killam Run Down the WWE Championship Money in the Bank Participants


Isenberg: I would much rather see Christian utilized in another capacity. He is a master at a ladder match, which is why they added him. Does anyone really buy Christian as a WWE Champion? I really love him as a mid card guy or a guy who can flirt with the other world championship. I give Christian no chance to win this match because we all know he will be feuding for less important championships in the near future. Ones that will get younger stars over. I applaud Christian for knowing his ceiling and knowing that he can help others. He is the most unselfish performer in the WWE. 

Killam: I don't take Christian seriously as a main event wrestler. His world championship win in 2011 was great because Edge retired and the fans needed somewhere to displace their sympathy. It's worth noting that I think Christian is a great performer who has done a lot for the industry during his lengthy career. It just took him too long to do anything important on his own (in WWE), and by the time he was perceived as a main event talent, I didn't care. Unlike Mark Henry, Christian never made me care. He's pretty far down on my list of potential winners.


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