Title This: WWE Raw Reaction June 24th, 2013

WWE RawThe Undercard

Sheamus and Christian defeated Rhodes Scholars in a pretty good match. Christian returning boosts the mid card division with a legit star. The match itself was fast paced and really went back and forth more than I expected. Rhodes was able to get more offense in the match and showed how good he is. His delayed suplex shows his strength and focus in the ring. That is not an easy move to execute. The finish came when Sheamus his a Brogue Kick onto Rhodes. Sheamus gets the win, while Sandow does not take the loss. It makes sense in the long run for their feud. They NEED Sandow to pick up a real victory to be taken seriously.

Grade: B-

Kaitlyn defeated Aksana in a match that was focused more on the outside interference of AJ Lee. She came out dressed as Kaitlyn and tried to distract her. We haven't really seen WWE invest in time to build a storyline, but I am glad they are doing it with Lee. She is so good at how they book her. You love to love her because of her looks, but love to hate her because of how big of a witch she comes off.

Grade: C+

Chris Jericho defeated Alberto Del Rio. Jericho continues to put on incredible matches, this time with the world champion. It is hard for WWE to book Del Rio because he is a new heel champion that cannot afford a clean loss. They are basically building him from the ground up now. Alberto punched Jericho in the corner and sets him up on the top turnbuckles. Jericho reverses it and hits a cross body for a two count. Both men go back and forth attempting their finishers. Jericho finally gets Del Rio in the Walls of Jericho until Ricardo causes a DQ. Ziggler comes out and helps Jericho only to hit Zig Zag on him. Excellent match that culminated after 18 minutes of story telling. Ziggler needs to be a good guy with bad guy tendencies. This is how he will succeed.

Grade: A-

Ryback defeated The Great Khali. Ryback deserves to face guys of his caliber. He is better than Khali, but does not deserve WWE Championship matches.

Grade: D

The Uso's become Number 1 Contenders for the Tag Team Championships. They defeated Tons of Funk and 3MB in a pretty good match that really got the crowd into them. Uso's are very talented. I fear that the division is so weak because WWE have never given The Uso's a chance. People will always remember them losing to guys like Santino, Primo and Epico, and many other lower to mid card talents. Where is their BIG victory at? Why do we care about them NOW? This is going to be very difficult for WWE to try to get the fans to back them and really believe that they are viable opponents.

Grade: C+…. for WWE at least trying to build another team up.


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