Wrestlezone’s Top 5: Triple Threat Championship Matches

Number 2: The Rock vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker at Vengeance 2002

The Rock

The Undisputed WWE Championship was on the line with three of the biggest names the WWE have ever created. As The Undertaker held the title heading into Detroit, he had two competitors who wanted his title. The Rock and Undertaker were in a bitter rivalry, one that had many interferences over a period of two months. Mr. McMahon would add Kurt Angle to the mix weeks prior to Vengeance because of his no contest bout with The Undertaker. What happened in this match was excellence at its best. Kurt Angle set the tone with his technicality and aggression. The Rock and Undertaker had to keep up with Angle, which they did swimmingly. There was never a slow moment in the match, which created for some high intensity drama. The Rock would walk away with the championship, only to lose it to a very young Brock Lesnar a month later. It took Rock 11 years to get the title back, at Royal Rumble 2013. This match was a five star bout from three future Hall of Famers on a Pay Per View that not many purchased.