Wrestlezone’s Top 10: WCW Superstars

1. Sting

When you think of WCW and its success, you think of Sting. Steve Borden won every single title that WCW had to offer. The best part of Sting was that his character was on television all the time, no matter if he wrestled or was just standing. The crowd would paint their faces, whether it was bright pink and blue or black and white. Sting catered to all of the fans. The kids loved him, the girls thought he was cool, and the men loved his abilities inside and outside of the ring. Sting had feuds with some of the best, but his continuous feud with Ric Flair will always be my favorite. When he transitioned his character to fit a more cutting edge time, Sting still was the face of the company. His popularity never fell downwards. When WCW was exiting, he had the final match with Ric Flair. This was fitting to say the least. Sting never went to WWE, was a WCW guy through and through, and continues to be the biggest and, perhaps, most marketable guy WCW ever had.

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