Chris Jericho defeated Fandango
Fandango and Chris Jericho feel one another out to start the match. In classic form, the heel gets a little cocky. Jericho hits a dropkick and sends Fandango running to the outside for a breather. Fandango is very light on his feet. He has a solid build and a really fast attack. He was on the defensive for the first 5 minutes, but Fandango would ultimately fight back and take control. We see Fandango, as always, be able to flip the switch from dancer to fighter. He was kept very simple in the ring and very green. He is still learning how to work with a real veteran. The end comes when Fandango gets hit with a Codebreaker out of nowhere. Fandango tried to hit the legdrop, but got the knees of Jericho. This was a great spot and really lit the crowd up. I wanted to see Fandango attack Jericho after the match. I am unsure how long Jericho is around. If he is here to stay for a few months, they NEED him in a world championship picture. The loss to Fandango tells me that he is no that important in the brass of the WWE anymore. I am not saying he is done, but Fandango needs to tweak the gimmick. He needs a feud with a full-time guy who he can consistently build background storylines with. This was a good match to kick off the night.
Grade: B-
Alberto Del Rio defeated Jack Swagger in an “I Quit” Match
I find it so saddening that this was the match we received instead of a Ladder Match for the World Heavyweight Championship. I will say a few things. Both of these men are great wrestlers. They have great managers, who are just as over as they are. I loved Swagger’s ability and determination in this match. He had the little things to make himself more interesting. Swagger had the look in his eyes the entire match. I felt that this was a good match, but not great. They asked the competitor’s if they wanted to quit TOO MANY TIMES. It got to a point where Twitter blew up because of it. It does not make sense to ask after every single move. The end came at a controversial moment. Colter threw in the towel, which the referee thought Ricardo did. The match would be restarted and Jack would quit to the armbar. It was a good match, but not that great. There is something missing throughout. Once again, there was not that one big moment where it stood out in my mind. Also, the promo before the match was the most memorable part. That’s not good for two characters who continue to not get over with the crowd. That is not a mixture for success.
Grade: C