Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction May 17th, 2013

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

The Shield defeated The Uso's in a relatively quick match. Reigns hits a beastful spear for the victory. After the match, Kofi Kingston comes out and attacks the group. I would have enjoyed this more if Team Hell No had something to do. This is the biggest problem with the tag teams in the WWE. There are only two that have any level of importance. Who cares that Kofi saves The Uso's? Maybe put Kingston with Bryan or Kane and face off against Ambrose and Reigns, and then build the two stories into one. That would have been more important and logical. I really enjoy how The Shield is being booked though. They are the only consistently interesting group of men that are pushed on WWE television each week.

Grade: C+

Tons of Funk defeated Primetime Players. What can you say about this match? Darren Young tries to ground the bigger opponents, but to no avail. Titus O'Neil comes in and cleans a little house until he is met with the strength of Tensai. The faces hit a big splash for the victory. I really wish PTP would be taken seriously because they do have an appeal to them. They are guys who are relatable to a general population. They also can connect to Hollywood and the world of sports. They need to be a team that hopefully gets a fresh change and is taken seriously for their talents and abilities.

Grade: C-

The Miz defeated Damien Sandow. MizTV started out the night, in place of the reported Highlight Reel. The Miz would be approached by Sandow backstage later on. Sandow wanted a show of his own and Teddy Long booked this match. While I enjoy both of these guys, the match itself was very bland. The Miz and Sandow are two guys who are going through transitions. Miz still needs to be booked against a strong heel to get over. Sandow needs to be taken more seriously as a single's competitor. That gave me a lack of interest in the match. If a title was on the line, then you could see a longer payoff. The action was fluent and the pacing of the match benefitted Miz. Miz does not have one great strength, but not one real weakness. Sandow was able to speak earlier in the night and cut a promo, so that boosts his overall appeal to the crowd.

Grade: C

Kaitlyn defeated Aksana in a quick match that was showcasing Kaitlyn's ability to overcome adversity. I am not sure how many people think adversity comes from facing Aksana, but the match was booked to make Kaitlyn look like she can overcome anyone. Aksana, shockingly enough, is not terrible in the ring. She was able to lock in a submission hold after a few quick take downs. The end came when Kaitlyn speared Aksana for the win. So, why can't we see AJ Lee after the match or even during it? Is she still the main challenger for the Divas Championship? Do they really care?

Grade: C-


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