Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Misused Wrestlers

2. Matt Morgan

Matt Morgan

This was hard not to put at number one for a few reasons. Matt Morgan is a freak of nature. His size, speed, athleticism, and dedication should be all you need ot know why he should be at the top of every single TNA PPV. Ever since he came into TNA, Morgan was billed as a WWE castoff who could make himself bigger than TNA. He should and could have, but the company has not pushed him in the way that they should. Morgan consistently puts on solid matches, great mic work, and is a specimen. It gets so frustrating not having him at the top. What does TNA gain by Sting winning the heavyweight title off of Bully Ray? Nothing. What does TNA gain if they put Morgan in the situation? They create another star. Morgan is already a star in many people's mind, but he needs to own this company. In a company that lacks the ability to create their own talent and rely on midcard stars in main event pictures, Morgan is the solution. He has been misused ever since he stepped foot into the company. It is a crime he has not held the title. A title held by Mick Foley. Enough said.