Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 5-4-13

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

Fandango defeated Zack Ryder in a decent outing from both guys. There really was not much to say besides you can tell the aggression in both young guys. Fandango picks up a victory in a match that is just a filler until Chris Jericho comes back. Fandango is a guy who is still getting over, but he needs to be used sparingly. He is a gimmick, a song, and has one word that he speaks when cutting a promo. I am not dissing the guy, but he needs to be booked carefully so he is not overexposed too quickly. His leg drop is really impressive, as well as his ability to switch the flip from a dancer to an aggressive wrestler.

Grade: C

Randy Orton defeated Damien Sandow. Orton continues to be consistent in his ability to work with anyone in the WWE. He may be getting bland in the WWE Universe's eyes, but he still is a guy that is getting the crowd reaction. I loved the chemistry between Orton and Sandow, as Sandow hit his elbow of disdain to turn the pages in the match. Orton fought back, like he always does, and hits his hanging DDT. I wish there was more of mystery in the match. Sometimes, Orton just seems to go through the motions in the ring, but Sandow needs to have a microphone in his hands before every match. His best asset is his ability to cut an old school promo. Orton wins with an RKO. Big Show comes out and distracts Orton so Sandow can hit his neckbreaker. Show laughs and teases a match at Extreme Rules. Like I said before, Orton and Show is not a great pairing for a fluttering face and a heel that is limited in his abilities.

Grade: B-


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