Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Forgettable Superstars of the Decade

Number 6: Marcus Cor Von

November 2006- September 2007

Marcus Cor Von

Arguably the first man from TNA to get signed to the WWE after that company grew, Monty Brown came to the WWE with a lot of fanfare. With a name change of Marcus Cor Von, Brown would compete in ECW as soon as he was signed. He would be apart of the “New Breed” in ECW, trying to make a name for himself. I was really impressed with his speed, size, and look. I really thought this was a guy that had WWE written all over him. Unfortunately, his leopard print ring gear lasted less than a year. He took time off from WWE for “unspecified reasons.” He asked for his release and was gone in a heartbeat.


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