Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 4/26/13

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

Layla defeated Aksana in Divas action. I wwas surprised to see this pairing, for the sole purpose that it was completely random and out of place. I know about Layla's connections with the UK, but she should be paired with someone that actually can wrestle more than 3-4 minutes. Layla has great athleticism and was showcased tonight, while Aksana seemed to be a step off. The end was booked to make both Divas look weak. A rollup should be used specifically to continue a feud. What good does a rollup do when one Diva is rarely used, while the other is a former champion?

Grade: C-

Fandango defeated Justin Gabriel. After a victory over Chris Jericho, it looks like Fandango is being booked like a normal heel. He picks up wins against WIlliam Regal and Justin Gabriel. Fandango continues to improve in the ring. He cannot rely just on his legdrop for a finisher, so they added a setup STO before it. Fandango has a good ability of flipping his switch in an instant. He can dance and be very feminine, but he turns it quickly into aggression and intensity. Gabriel, after winning a useless Battle Royal and losing to Wade Barrett, continues to have a ton of talent but no real persona.

Grade: C+

Wade Barrett defeated William Regal, where Regal started quick but the match ended quicker. Regal was able to hit a few elbow strikes and knees to the sternum. Barrett comes back from a suplex to hit the Bullhammer and stop Regal from upsetting him. It was an average match that was obviously booked for the UK crowd to enjoy.

Grade: C