What’s NOT Bothering Me: Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Fandangoing

WrestleMania is over and I'm back to the grindstone writing these fantastic editorials each week. I'm a little rusty, so bear with me as I get back into full swing (could take months, or it may never happen at all). 

Clearly, plenty has happened since we've last visited. Dolph finally cashed in, Ryback is potentially, maybe, possibly a heel, and Fandango is…well, more on that in a minute.

All three hot-button issues are positive in my mind. And here's why:

Dolph Ziggler#3. Dolph Ziggler Cashes In MITB

Anyone who's anyone that knows me knows I have nothing but positive things to say regarding Dolph cashing in last week. I'm a huge fan, plain and simple, and Dolph will either live up to the hype or he won't.

I was surprised to see Jack Swagger remaining in the picture, even if it's just temporary, but that likely has more to do with WWE's love for Colter than it does Swagger at this point.

For Dolph to truly capitalize on his new place on top – well, as close to the top as he's allowed to reach with Cena and Punk still in the picture – he needs three things to happen:

1. A good challenger – I don't see that being Del Rio long-term. Maybe Orton? Sheamus?

2. Better use of assets – I'm referring to Big E. and AJ. While The Shield is the dominant "faction" in WWE, the dynamic between Dolph, AJ, and Langston are entirely different. I see plenty of potential similarities between the three of them and what HBK had with Diesel and Sherri. Creative just needs to go there.

3. Promo Development – If there's one thing that will keep Dolph from reaching that next level, it's his talking ability. While it's nowhere near bad or awful, it's not the most intimidating presence either. He's fluent, but it comes off as a bit weak at times.

No one can touch him in the ring — my personal opinion, so back off Punk, Bryan, and Cesaro marks – but those three points above are crucial to his success going forward. I expect them to be met and am looking forward to this chapter of Dolph's career.