Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 4-12-13

SheamusThe Storylines

Randy Orton and Sheamus defeated The Big Show in a Handicap Match. Sheamus and Orton both struggled to get the upper hand with Big Show. Show focused solely on the injured ribs of Orton, striking his stomach and really looking like he is beating him down. Sheamus gets a little offense, but is met with a spear from Show. It may not be the prettiest spear, but Big Show's weight and size makes it look like his opponent ran into a brick wall. As the giant is in control, he is met with an RKO and a Brogue Kick in succession. He ends up getting counted out.

-Hopefully this ends the random feud between these three guys. I never was completely sold from the beginning. We all know that Big Show was used in that 6 man tag team match because they had NOTHING else for him. After the match, Sheamus gets attacked by Mark Henry. This interests me for a few reasons. We have seen these guys feud before, which I enjoyed. Mark Henry beats Ryback and needs someone just as big and strong. Enter Sheamus, who is not quite ready to fight Ziggler for the gold. This gives Henry and Sheamus a feud that has background, history, and a little personal beef already inserted. It is a win-win situation for me as a fan and for them to stay afloat in the importance of shows.

Grade: B


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