The Wrestlemania Prediction Machine Part 2: WZ Staff Predicts the Main Event Winners

For the second year in a row, I have gathered members of this incredible staff here at for their predictions on Wrestlemania. With 10 matches on the card, we are sure going to have a great time discussing who we think will be victorious at the end of the night. Myself, Nick Paglino, Mike Killam, Bill Pritchard, and Brian Gulish, are going to give you a few sentences on each match and who we think will be winners. The first part will feature solely on the mid card matches, while Part 2 will feature the more important matches on the big stage. Follow the entire staff on Twitter @Wrestlezonecom, @MikeKillam, @NickyPags, @bpritchard152, @JoshIsenberg4, and @BrianGulish


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