Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-29-13

WWE SmackdownThe Undercards of Wrestlemania

Chris Jericho defeated Wade Barrett in a really good match. Jericho has yet to put on a subpar match since his return. I really would have enjoyed this match at Wrestlemania instead of The Miz. Jericho has such a great mix of technicality and athleticism. You see him hit a dive onto Wade early in the match, but Wade was able to fight back rather quickly. Wade reverses a Lionsault with a Winds of Change. The move placement of the match was smooth and sensible. The end came when Miz distracted Barrett so Jericho could hit a Codebreaker for the win. Miz taunted Barrett, which enhances that feud a little more, while Fandango came out and Jericho butchered his name multiple times. Fandango does not interact with Jericho. You need to build his debut up, and I feel like this Monday he needs to be booked in a tag team match but leave Barrett to the wolves. This mixes two storylines together and really can make them get an adrenaline shot.

Grade: B

Daniel Bryan and Kaitlyn defeated Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee. Ziggler and Bryan are excellent, there is no arguing that. Both men are so good and so smart inside of the ring. Bryan chops down Ziggler with multiple kicks to his chest only to get a great Powerbomb from Ziggler. The best part about Ziggler and Bryan is they are not always repetitive in the ring. They continue to add moves and pieces to their arsenal. Kaitlyn and AJ get much needed exposure in this match. AJ gets Speared by Kaitlyn and picks up the win. Do not be surprised if a "Winner Takes All" match is made by adding the Divas Championship feud in with the tag team championship.

Grade: B


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