Guest Column: Excuse Me Punk, You Forgot Your Pipebomb

CM PunkCM Punk is a great microphone worker. He has legions of fans who follow him because of that and amazing wrestling skill. When Punk comes out for a promo, most of the smart fans perk up because they know they’re going to hear something of value. He puts all of his heart and emotion for pro wrestling into his promos and that is what forever connects him with the fans.

While I know everything I wrote there is true, I still feel that something is missing from this CM Punk vs Undertaker Wrestlemania Feud. I watch every week, I am entertained, but I feel as though this is all very complacent and that Punk is being a 2nd rate version of himself. Before I get to that, let’s analyze.

I was actually VERY pleased with the Paul Bearer Tribute Raw 2 weeks ago. I thought everything that Undertaker, Kane, and Punk did was masterful that night. Creative gets credit too for putting together a great all-night program for these 3. But after that, it became too much about “Urn Anderson” and too little about “The Streak”.

Vince McMahon himself has said on “True Story of Wrestlemania” that the Undertaker’s Streak has become the Greatest Attraction for Wrestlemania every year and probably will never be broken. That’s the boss; THE Man. That ends all debate of what it really means.

Yes, The Rock and John Cena DRAW/DREW more than Taker the past 2 years but Taker’s the only consistent selling point at Wrestlemania with these matches. My point is, The Undertaker’s Wrestlemania Matches are # 1 or # 2 Attraction matches yearly! That’s pretty important right?

Punk was born to be a pro wrestler and wears his heart on his sleeve. THIS… is an important moment. It’s important for him, for us, for pro wrestling. CM Punk will follow 4 years of Shawn Michaels and Triple H. If that doesn’t solidify someone in WWE I don’t know what will!

I remember 2 other really important times in Punk’s WWE career: Summer 2011 Contract Negotiations and facing The Rock in a big money match. What did both of those situations bring on?


I’m really hoping a Pipebomb-style Interview comes out on this Monday’s Raw. Of all times for CM Punk to be fired up and NEED to speak his mind, I’d say fighting The Undertaker at Wrestlemania ranks pretty high up!

Yes this match is already sold, yes people are already ordering Wrestlemania, but that doesn’t mean CM Punk is going to start “phoning it in” work-wise. I want to see how much this means to CM Punk. I want to see it in his eyes like we all did as he sat Indian-style on the stage. I want to see him STOP fumbling an Urn.

If it means breaking Heel for 10 minutes then I’m all for it! He doesn’t need to kiss any babies but he needs to acknowledge that one word that he has so many times preached about: RESPECT. CM Punk Respects the Undertaker for his career, for the streak; we all do.

I want Punk to come out and tell the world that he cares about the streak. That sometimes, just sometimes, there are Bigger things than Championships. That being able to say he’s truly “Best In The World” might only come after he has Ended the Streak. That while people are trying to market “Dwayne” in the Main Event again, that he believes HE and The Undertaker are the True Main Event of Wrestlemania 29!

That’s the CM Punk promo I want to hear. That’s the passion that should’ve fueled this feud. There is one 3 Hour Raw left and I will be hoping for this the whole time. We all know that the streak will not end here, but wouldn’t you feel “that much” more excited for this match if Punk dropped the Pipebomb and told it how it really was? Wouldn’t that make you care even more for those 20 minutes they compete?

I know that’s what I want. But like I said, the match is sold. Wrestlemania is sold. All of these matches sell as good on a Billboard as they do with 20+ hours of TV writing. It will be interesting to see what WWE Creative books for Punk/Taker this Monday on Raw and I will be crossing my fingers. Either way though, I guess CM Punk is only a Tombstone Piledriver away from getting made Famous.

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