Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-15-13

SheamusThe Stories

Randy Orton and Sheamus defeated Rhodes Scholars to kick off the action on Smackdown. I was really enjoying all this match had to offer. This is a perfect example of how good tag team wrestling can be for multiple people Sheamus was in control until he was taken to the outside and Rhodes connected with a Beautiful Disaster Kick. After this, it was all about targeting the stronger Sheamus and weakening his limbs. Sandow showed his aggression with kicks in the corner and mixing it up when tagging Rhodes in. They kept it quick, clean, and fresh. The match was never slowed down. Orton finished off Rhodes with an RKO. This was a great match.

-Sheamus and Orton picked Ryback to be their third man in a match against The Shield at Wrestlemania. Ryback NEEDS his own match, and needs to face Mark Henry. This would be a battle and a slugfest, something the card needs at Mania. When Henry attacked Ryback after The Shield interrupted their match, I think that foreshadowing the fact that Big Show will end up being the third man. Ryback and Henry have a great story to tell in a 10 minute match, while Show can easily be inserted in. He has been targeted by The Shield as of late, so it only makes sense.

-I loved how Mark Henry continuously beat down Ryback. He showed the fact that he is stronger than Ryback, showing vulnerability from the fan favorite. Ryback never has looked this weak thanks to one person. It has always been about the 3-1 assaults he received. This was a great progression for two separate stories, both that should culminate at Wrestlemania 29.

Grade: B+


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