Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 3-4-13

Triple HThe Stories

-Triple H came out to talk about what happened last week. He talked about Brock Lesnar and why he came back. He said he sat next to his father-in-law's bed and saw his wife cry. He also said he saw his kids cry, but inside he was smiling. He found the reason to come back, and that is to fight Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. He says Brock can accept, or he can sit there and bleed. This was so logical and simple. I was extremely happy with this segment and promo because it was classic Triple H. He did not say too much too early, but the infliction in his speaking sent vibes through the spine of everyone watching. Next week, I expect Lesnar to answer. After that, it will be an interesting 3 weeks to see who gets the upper hand. Deep down, I want Lesnar to win because Triple H winning does not do ANYTHING. But, Brock winning does what exactly?

Grade: B+

-The Rock and John Cena came out to talk about their match at Wrestlemania. The Rock comes out and jokes a little until Cena interrupts him. Instead of the goofy promos, Cena made it serious and personal. He talks about redemption and how this means everything to him. I love how The Rock was able to point out the small things Cena does, like kiss his dogtags and salute. The Rock and Cena are very similar in many ways, but this feud needs FIRE. It needs intensity. I really wanted to see Cena go heel and slap The Rock. There is still 4 more Raw's for that to happen, so well done with pre-heating the oven without burning out too quickly.

Grade: B+


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