Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-25-13

WWE RawThe Undercard

Ryback defeated Dolph Ziggler in a solid match to kick off the wrestling portion of WWE Raw. Ryback was in complete control of the match until Ziggler was able to hit a dropkick to the head of Ryback. I really enjoyed the 1 counts on Ryback, getting Ziggler frustrated to the point where his offensive countered his defense. We come back from a commercial break with a stalling suplex on Ziggler, and Ryback started to use his strength against Ziggler. The DDT from Ziggler to Ryback was excellent, planting the monster right on his head. Overall, you had both guys get close pinfalls and ultimately had Ryback go over. I am so frustrated with Ziggler continuing to lose, but this is going to be his road until he surprises us with a cash in. That is what Ziggler's storyline will be for Wrestlemania, but I still am not sure where Ryback fits in. He continues to dominate, look impressive in the ring and really maturing with new maneuvers. Grade: B

Randy Orton defeated Antonio Cesaro in a match that could have been so much more. I really would enjoy a lengthy feud between the two men, instead of a 5 minute match where an RKO ends the night for Antonio. Would it be a step down for Orton to feud with the United States Champion? Yes, but what else are you going to do with him?  He does not have a big feud, had a few let downs over the year, and his popularity could actually add to the heat Antonio Cesaro gets. Randy is NOT a main event guy right now, and needs to realize that he could help younger guys in the WWE. He is a great wrestler and, unless he turns heel, is going to be put in lackluster feuds and matches. That is unless he gets put in a match with The Shield, which is certainly possible. Grade: C+

R-Truth defeated Cody Rhodes where Damien Sandow was on commentary. As I watch this match, I see the athleticism of one guy, and the lack of  confidence in another. With Truth and Rhodes fighting in a match that had very little action, we all got a glimpse into something that could be heading towards Wrestlemania. Damien and Cody need to get back together for Rhodes Scholars, while Truth and Kingston are easily a tag team fans can cheer for. All four men have talent, and they should be utilized in a division that has no real stars. With Team Hell No, add Brodus and Tensai or even PTP in a Fatal Four Way match at Mania. It gives meaning and interest to a handful of guys, and is easily booked for the next 5 weeks in terms of wrestling matches. Grade: C

Team Hell No defeated Primetime Players in a match where Daniel Bryan was blindfolded and Kane had an arm tied behind his back. Let's make this short and sweet. Kane and Bryan were used as jokes that overcame a stipulation. Kane finished him off with a Chokeslam when Bryan tagged him in. Can we please let Bryan and Kane actually wrestle? I was thrown off completely by the stipulation and do not really understand why it was in tact. I will say Brad Maddox interrupting Vickie time and time again was comical before the match. I still want the tag team division to have legitimacy to it, especially heading into Wrestlemania. Grade: C


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