Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-11-13

John CenaThe Stories

– John Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus were getting ready for their big matchup against The Shield in 6 days at Elimination Chamber. They would dominate 3MB in a joke of a match, and cut a promo after it. All three men were in their popular and polarizing characters and talked about beating up The Shield. Later on in the night, we would hear from the 3 men in the ring, talking back to the faces.

-The Shield came out talking about injustice. They focused their attention on John Cena, and how he is apart of the problem. He is the problem, says Reigns. All the men talk about how Cena is the machine, and how he should not be who he is today. They all say they are better than Cena and then ask them to come out. The lights go out, and the fight ensues in the ring. As The Shield tries to escape, all six men fight on the outside. By breaking this down I want to point some similarities. Seth Rollins was in a CM Punk zone on the microphone, sounding fantastic in everything he said. Dean Ambrose is the loose cannon of the bunch, talking in a methodical way. Roman Reigns should not speak, as his size and stature is enough to intimidate others. These guys balance each other out well, and they did a great job at getting everyone interested in their match for Sunday. The only thing I would have changed is them getting the upper hand at the end of the night. They NEED it, while the faces do not. Grade: B+


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