Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-28-13

CM PunkThe Main Event

-The first main part of the night was The Rock as WWE Champion. He comes out and talks about finally being back on top. The crowd loves Rock, like usual, but out comes CM Punk who is upset. He talks about being there every single day, being the bad guy, and that he got screwed out of the title. Punk then says Rock can get his rematch anytime he wants, and it looks like Elimination Chamber will hold the rematch.

First off, CM Punk is brilliant in every promo he does. He may be repetitive, but he is able to change small words and make them sound more important. I absolutely love the realism he puts into what he says. There is NOBODY better at a promo than Punk right now, and he continues to knock it out of the park every single night, heel or face.

-Vince McMahon evaluates Paul Heyman. We see a video with Heyman talking to Brad Maddox and The Shield, and revealing that he paid them off to help Punk win time and time again. Heyman tries to save himself, but Vince gets ready to fire him. Out comes Brock Lesnar, who stalks Vince before he hits an F5 on him. This ends Raw.

Paul Heyman is AMAZING in every situation he is put in. Whether it is behind Punk when he is talking, or telling Vince to get out of the ring. Heyman knows the business so well that he knows what the fans like. They love to see someone beg, especially a heel. They also love smart booking. Paul is a guy who puts on a show that you do not even know is a show. He is as real as they get, and is mannerisms and emotions in the ring captivate me. I am excited to see where Brock/Heyman/Punk/Vince go from here. It could be as simple as Triple H, but would not be shocked if we get swerved with someone else. Grade: B

Raw Grade: D

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