Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-21-13

CM PunkThe Main Event

It was all about CM Punk vs. The Rock, right? Well, it seemed to be Vickie Guerrero vs. The Rock for the better part of the night. While Vickie banned Rock from entering, it took him several segments to convince the police officers to let him in. He ended up buying one of the officer's ticket off of him, so he was able to enter the building. I assume this is logical, you buy a ticket and are allowed inside the ring. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Nonetheless, I am always a supporter of seeing The Rock get to talk, even if it has been the same spiel week after week. First off, let's discuss CM Punk's promo.

Punk was excellent on the microphone because he made a promo feel real, feel like it was the most important things ever said. His look in his eyes, his demeaner, and his ability to articulate every word perfectly was intense. I was drawn into what he had to say, even though he is repeating things he previously said before. He makes you WANT to hate him, but you still love what he does. That is a big step in becoming the best. Paul Heyman just adds so much more because he does the little things. He speaks off the microphone, holds the title, and talks like he is the owner of the company. He is so intelligent that it is sometimes sickening. Paul and Punk are a perfect balance between good and evil, funny and serious, and right and wrong. Grade: A

The Rock talks to CM Punk, who is sittng in a press box. He discusses how he is going to beat him at Royal Rumble, and adds a little bit of comedy. After he is done, the lights go off and he is attacked by The Shield. If you watched CSR Monday morning, this is EXACTLY what I predicted. These men have been lost in the shuffle since Rock's return, and this makes them more important now than ever. Since they cannot interfere in the Royal Rumble match, it will be either Rock winning or someone ELSE interfering. Either way, the attacks were good and Rock actually looked in pain. I enjoyed this segment, and thought it did wonders for all involved. Grade: A-

Raw Grade: B

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