Title This: WWE Friday Night Smackdown Reaction 1-18-13

Randy OrtonThe Stories

Randy Orton and Team Hell No defeated Wade Barrett and Rhodes Scholars in an entertaining six man tag team match. I absolutely love seeing the chemistry between Daniel Bryan and Kane, who continue to be the work horses for the WWE. Sandow was very impressive as well, as he stomped on Kane while he was down. I really was annoyed to see Rhodes and Sandow easily lose on Raw, but tonight was a different story. It made them relevant much quicker, as well as showcasing Sandow's ability to work with different sizes in the ring. Orton ended up finishing off the match with an RKO on Sandow, which helps Barrett stay at the top and not hurt his build. Bryan and Orton hugged Orton after the match.

-With Randy Orton, I am still unsure what they are doing with him. He reignites his feud with Barrett, but loses. He picks up the victory in this match, but his feud seems to still be with The Shield. I really liked the promo Dean, Roman, and Seth had on Sheamus, Ryback, and Orton. I was extremely happy to see this happen because The Shield should change how they attack each week. All we have seen them do is the same few moves, but they can be intelligent and pick their spots. Tonight was a good night for them, for Orton, and for Sheamus. I just do not want Sheamus and Orton in a feud with useless pieces like 3MB, Barrett (when I mean useless with him, I mean he does not belong with them right now and on his own feud to build his character) and other guys.

Grade: B+


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