Mt. Killamanjaro: 12/12/12

Recently TNA began the countdown towards 2013, and they did so with yet another cryptic video. With no substantial proof being offered yet as to who is behind the promo, we’re still in the “wild speculation” phase.

The most obvious choice is Crimson, a star who has been down in OVW for several months, ever since “The Cowboy” James Storm broke his undefeated streak earlier this year. Matt Morgan already made his big return, so unless he wants to re-debut AGAIN, I think it’s safe to say it won’t be “the Blueprint”. It could also be the long-awaited return of Abyss, however TNA seems set after sending the Joseph Park character down to OVW as well, for a little training before he’s allowed to step into the ring with Aces & Eights one more time. 

Then there’s the outside factors; free agents that don’t have major affiliation with WWE at the moment, as to not upset the delicate balance created by that pesky law suit none of us know anything about. Matt Hardy, who has been making his way around the Indy circuit, is the first that comes to mind. Having been released from WWE before the legal issues arose, Awesome Kong (or Kharma) could potentially be on the table as well, although with the door reportedly being open for a WWE return, that would seem like an odd decision at this point. 

So who do you think is behind the upcoming TNA return/debut? Another member of the Aces & Eights? Eric Bischoff? Jeff Jarrett? Will TNA actually do something with King Mo? 

Discuss that, as well as all your favorite date-based wrestling moments in the comments section below!