Punk 365: A Wrestlezone Forums Special – Part 1

It was the one thousandth episode of Monday Night Raw with a blockbuster main event between two of the WWE’s biggest superstars. There was a lot of intrigue coming into this match; will Punks surprisingly long reign continue? Will Cena manage to defy the odds for the 1000th time? This was answered in a relatively shocking way, with CM Punk BETRAYING THE WWE UNIVERSE, finally giving the WWE a legitimate 1top heel. It was all done in good fashion as well, first hinting at Punk turning when he watched Big Show smash Cena around and then solidifying it by hitting the GTS on everyone’s favorite actor Dwayne. Punk’s heel turn seemed to be the start of an interesting summer angle, someone who’s a heel and doesn’t need to cheat to beat Cena! However this quite clearly would not be the case.

WWE had a real chance with Punk to make him a legitimate heel, however being the creative geniuses they are they turned him into the same character as every other heel of the past 4 years, a coward who talks himself up and always cheats to win. We had just come off a very successful face run for Punk and he beat several legitimate stars on the way (scratch that, only real stars he beat were D-Bry and Jericho), but all of a sudden he needs to cheat? Not buying it. Punks gimmick was ‘The Best in the World’ and he lived up to that, but as soon as he turned heel he instantly became a regular bad guy, never beating a real star clean. Is it really that difficult to make a top heel win clean WWE? Punk is enough of a douche that he can get booed through what he says, he doesn’t need to cheat to get people to hate him more.

Best part of CM Punk’s reign- Raw 1000th heel turn. 

Worst part- everything that followed. 



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