Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 11-13

CM PunkThe Main Event

John Cena defeated CM Punk in the main event of the night. The action was alright, with Punk controlling most of the fighting. One thing I noticed is that Punk was able to add a few moves that we rarely see, including an inverted kick to Cena's stomach. If one guy makes Punk look so powerful, it really has been John Cena. I give kudos to both men in the match, knowing not to give up everything, but keeping the match flowing. The drama was there, and was there when Cena had a beautiful reversal from a GTS into the STF. As Punk was able to escape, WWE cued Ryback and Punk was dragged back into the ring. Cena hit the AA for the win, and this makes him and Ryback both garnering a pinfall on the champion. What does this tell you? Easily, it says Punk will find a way to win. I actually cannot wait for Ryback and Cena to get physical, as they have held this and teased this for weeks. Well done to finish and great camera work to show the title with all three guys in the shot. I loved it. Grade: B+

Raw Grade: C

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