Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: WWE Champions Of All-Time

Number 10: The Ultimate Warrior


If there was anyone that came close to dethroning Hulk Hogan as one of the most popular superstars in the 1990’s, it was Warrior. with his creative makeup, the strong physique, and the absolutely crazy way of speaking, it seemed to work for him. His greatest achievement came at Wrestlemania VI, in front of a crazy Toronto crowd. In this match, Warrior came in as the Intercontinental Champion, but was just as popular and over with the crowd as Hogan was. This was a turning point in the history of the WWE, as Warrior would win the championship and really hold onto it for quite some time. He would keep the championship until January of the following year, dropping it to Sgt. Slaughter. Shockingly enough, this was his only title reign as WWE Champion, but everyone will remember when the torch was passed. The flame on the torch did not burn for long, but it certainly was a changing of times in the WWE.


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