Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 10-25

Samoa joeSamoa Joe Defeats Robbie T to retain the Television Championship

What I Liked:

What can you say about this squash match? Samoa Joe is going to continue to dominate opponents until someone comes his way that can stop him.  I just hope he does not make other talent look so bad where they cannot rebound from it.

What I Disliked:

Robbie T is one of my underdogs in the company. Yes, his gimmick is hit or miss, but he has potential to be much better than he is being booked. He will go through this spell for quite some time, and then hopefully bounce back. I just want to see more creativity when booking matches like this. There is only so much to talk about.

Grade: C

Austin Aries Defeats Mr. Anderson

What I Liked:

This was a pretty solid match from beginning to end here. You have Aries, who is going to keep on pace as the main guy behind Hardy, as well as Anderson who is going to hopefully get a shot at really building a feud with someone. Anderson is a scrappy wrestler who relies on his instincts. He is really good at grounding his opponent with clothesline and kicks to the stomach, which he showed against Aries. As the comeback began, Aries fired back with chops to Anderson's chest, as well as a few nice inverted suplexes. Aries saw some confusion with brass knuckles, faked getting hit, and then hit Last Chancery for the win. It was an odd finish, but I actually liked it. I thought the intelligence of Aries was shown, the match was long enough, and that Anderson can gripe about getting screwed. It continues what both guys need, and that is retribution of their counterparts.

Grade: B+


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