Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Reasons to Watch Bound For Glory

Number 5: Aces and Eights Revealed

Jeff Jarrett

With specultion running rampid, who will be revealed as the leader of this gang? With Eric Bischoff, Dixie Carter, and other names thrown out there, the logical choice would be Jeff Jarrett. A man with a bigger ego than Hogan, Jarrett has always thought of himself as a main event talent. He has been nothing but a glorified mid carder who bought his way to fame. Nonetheless, Aces and Eights has kept everyone guessing on who the leader is, and I would be alright with Jarrett revealing himself as the mastermind. It makes sense, is not far fetched, and certainly would complete a hectic few months of anticipation. This does not seem like the end of Aces and Eights, and possibly just the opposite.


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