Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-12

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment

What I Liked:

Big Show and Sheamus were on the stage to find out which finisher is more powerful. A punching bag is on the stage. Sheamus and Big Show both hit it, and Show ends up being more powerful.

What I Disliked:

Seriously, does anyone like this idea? What does this have to do with anything relevant? Instead of having ridiculous games, why not let them fight one another backstage? I want to see physical interaction, not some stupid punching bag that we all are too smart to think is accurate. I cannot begin to explain my disgust for how they are handling this horrible feud.

Grade: D

Sheamus Defeats Tensai

What I Liked:

Once again, Sheamus is paired with a larger opponent. To Sheamus' credit, he works pretty well with bigger guys because you look at him and can believe he is a viable opponent. His size and stature is excellent for any opponent. I really think his aggression comes out more as well when he knows he does not have to take it easy on a smaller opponent.

What I Disliked:

The fact that Tensai continues to be used in this capacity. Give up on him already, will you WWE? Nobody ever believes he will beat Sheamus clean, or any main eventer for that matter.

Grade: C-


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