Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 10-12

Daniel BryanAlberto Del Rio Defeats Daniel Bryan

What I Liked:

You can easily tell these guys know one another's strengths and weaknesses. Daniel Bryan is such a great actor in the ring, facial expressions and all. Bryan 's kicks to Del Rio were excellent, chopped down the former champion, and the crowd was behind him after the first connection. Del Rio would come back hard with some submission moves, focusing on the shoulder. The match was taken to the outside, and both guys continued to reverse one another and gain the quick advantage. Del Rio would continue the assault on his shoulder, counter Bryan, and lock in the Cross Armbreaker. After the match, Del Rio gets kicked in the arm by Orton. The viper looks great and aggressive as all hell. Del Rio was able to escape, and Orton hit an RKO through a table onto Ricardo. Ricardo sold it to perfection, without the table breaking. It looked intense and continues to let the crowd anticipate Orton getting his hands on Del Rio.

Grade: B+

Smackdown Grade: C

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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