Title This: WWE Night of Champions Reaction

CM PunkCM Punk vs. John Cena For The WWE Championship Ends in a Draw

What I Liked:

First off, CM Punk is the best. It is not his talents in the ring that puts him over the top, but it is the little things he thinks of that makes him the best. When he came out and just stood there with his Yankee pinstripes (in Boston), that was classic. Also, when Cena came out, he turned his back and did not even acknowledge him in the ring. CM Punk also gets the best out of Cena, and vice versa. Similar to Money in the Bank a year ago, this had a huge fight feel to it. The match started slow, with headlocks and quick take downs. They both would try to feel one another out, and Cena would hit a few shoulder blocks. Cena quickly goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle, but Punk kicks him in the face. This gave Punk the upper hand, as he hits a few kicks and a neckbreaker for a two count. Both men counter some of their big moves, continue to exchange blows, and finally Punk hits a dropkick. Cena would get to lock in the STF, right in the middle of the ring. Punk struggled to the ropes, broke the hold, and hits the GTS. Cena kicks out, hits an AA, only for Punk to kick out. The crowd is into it now, as Punk hits a GTS and a Rock Bottom onto Cena. Cena would kick out once again, and this match is getting to the climax. A great pace, great drama, and the finish came when Cena would hit a german suplex off the rope and get the pin. The only thing is both men's shoulders were on the mat, so it became a draw. Punk retains, and hits Cena in the face with the WWE Championship.

What I Disliked:

The draw was a weak escape from this match, giving Punk a cheap victory. Punk has never been build like a weak champion, and why start now? I have an issue with how this ends, even though the feud will continue. This is a good end to Raw, not a big Pay Per View. A draw? Really? This frustrates me to no end, but I will say I am looking forward to how they continue the feud. Will it get better, or will it continue to be the same thing? Hell in a Cell seems to solve it all. Enjoy the ride.

Grade: B+

Night of Champions Grade: B

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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