Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 9-10

David OtungaSheamus Defeats David Otunga

What I Liked:

Honestly, I really did not like much here.

What I Disliked:

Why do they continue to recycle matches from the previous week? Sheamus wins, so what? What is there to care about after this victory? There are so many more ways to make this interesting, and it starts with Otunga. He never wins, so why is he being paired with Sheamus? Just because he looks big and strong does not make him a viable opponent for Sheamus. The crowd, again, does not show interest because they know what happens. Booker T says Sheamus cannot use the Brogue Kick on anyone, or he will be stripped of the championship. I do not like this, it's a freaking kick. It is just something they are trying to use to make Del Rio a favorite in the match Sunday. Quit making the fans feel stupid.

Grade: D

Daniel Bryan and Kane are with Dr. Shelby, and they try to come up with a team name. Team Friendship is the name, which made me laugh once again. It is so simple, stupid, yet effectively funny.

Cody Rhodes Defeats Rey Mysterio

What I Liked:

I said to myself that Cody had no chance of winning. Instead, they surprised me. Rhodes and Mysterio are very good workers in the ring, in two completely different ways. Mysterio is still very over with the crowd, and uses much of his flying tactics to ground a larger opponent. That makes sense, Rhodes hit a Beautiful Disaster for a two count, and Mysterio was able to set him up for a 619. The Miz comes out and distracts Rey, which leads to Rhodes hitting a Cross Rhodes for the win. He hits the same move on Miz after the match, raises the IC Title in the air, and says "this is my baby." Yes, I love it because there is actual stories with the IC Title. I do not care who is challenging right now, they just need someone who will. I expect a Triple Threat Match with these three guys, and the fact that Rhodes attacked The Miz means that there is no favorite, and the match will focus more on everyone for themselves. Well done from the top to bottom for all three guys.

Grade: B+


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