Aces & Eights – The Reveal?

Bound for Glory Series Finally Finds Its End
So, after months of build up, dozens of excellent matches on pay-per-view and free television, we’re finally going to get a #1 contender to the TNA World Championship. Bully Ray makes the most sense. In fact, if they don’t go this route I will be both shocked, and slightly disappointed.
Jeff Hardy is a great talent, but his contribution to TNA this year has been limited, at best. He is one that could be easily entered in some sort of match with with Aces & Eights at Bound for Glory. He’s the kind of crowd pleaser, along with RVD and Ken Anderson, that you’re going to want teaming up to “defend the company”.
Samoa Joe and James Storm are easily placed in Bound for Glory feuds of their own, with Magnus and Bobby Roode, respectively. Keeping Roode off television the last few weeks was a stroke of genius; when he does come down to screw over James Storm – and he will – fans won’t be expecting it near as much as if they’d kept him around.
And that leaves Bully Ray. Out of the four guys left in the tournament, he’s been the biggest mover and shaker in TNA this year, and most deserves the shot. Not that wrestling is always about who “deserves” the shot, but in this case it works out that he’s also the best decision for storyline purposes. Bully and Aries have proven that they can work well together, and fans will get behind another match. Bully is also an extremely believable leader for the Aces & Eights; have you seen what they wear?