Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 8-31

WWE SmackdownOpening Segment

What I Liked:

Sheamus comes out to discuss Triple H and says he is a legend. He goes on to discuss Alberto Del Rio, but Damien Sandow comes out and interrupts him. He begins to trash Sheamus and calls him ignorant and stupid. I thought Sandow and Sheamus did a great job here to start off Smackdown. We know they are high on Sandow, so this is a perfect spot for him to be thrown in to see if he will sink or swim. He has an old school heel type to him, not trying to be cocky or cool. His character comes off really smooth and believable. We also get our main event booked for later tonight, and I expect Sandow and Sheamus to work well together. This will be the first real extended look at Sandow in the ring.

Grade: B+

Rey Mysterio Defeats Cody Rhodes

What I Liked:

Cody starts off the match with the offense in his pocket. I loved the physicality he possessed early, which included knees to Rey and concluded with a front release suplex. It looks great and easy for Rhodes to move from one move to the next, especially on a guy like Mysterio. Rhodes controlled most of this match, but Mysterio picks up the quick pin. After the match, we get more of Rhodes and his aggression as he tries to rip off Mysterio's mask. Sin Cara came out to make the save, which continues his feud with Cody. I liked how they gave Cody a match with another masked superstar. It makes sense and I like the simple, yet complex, logic.

What I Disliked:

We do need to get a reason why Cody wants to rip these masks off. I feel like he needs to begin to speak more and give us a reason to invest our time into his feud with Sin Cara. It would only do better things for him and for Cara, and could potentially turn a random feud into something positive for two guys. I still am not a fan of Cody jobbing each week, but he is being put in a spot where he is getting consistent television time. It is only a matter of time for Rhodes.

Grade: B


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