Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 8-28

LaylaLayla Defeats Natalya

What I Liked:

Well, we finally get a chance to see Layla in the ring competing. I feel like it has been so long that she has gotten a single's match to showcase what she can do in the ring. First off, she gets ZERO reaction from the crowd. I also think that Natalya pretty much carried her in this match, transitioning from move to move. I much rather would see Natalya hold the gold because Layla is just not on that top level as some Divas have been able to get to. The match was average, with nothing really special happening. We did get to see Vickie Guerrero try to interrupt the match, but AJ came out afterwards and basically attacked her. Vickie and AJ are two divas who are over without having to compete in the ring. It tells alot about their character and how far they both have come up in the company.

What I Disliked:

The other Divas need to take note that they need to build a specific character to get over with the crowd. Take notes from AJ, Vickie, and even Eve. Fans will connect more with you if there is a personality trait that they can relate to. Also, Kaitlyn is the Number 1 Contender, so why wasn't she at ringside somehow to further a feud that has not really started yet?

Grade: C

John Cena Defeats The Miz

What I Liked:

I was surprised to see Cena fight so early in the night, but I did like the pairing. Even though it makes Wrestlemania 27's main event look irrelavant, there is only so much you can protect from the past. This is not worthy of protecting. The Miz, shockingly enough, got a good amount of the offense in the match. He carried us to the commercial break with some strong kicks and punches to Cena to ground him. Miz looked much more aggressive and tactical in this match. Furthermore, you can tell the maturity level he has reached now. He is no longer viewed as a guy who "can' get to the top, he is a guy who "will" get to the top again. His loss really does not do anything to him, and it gives Cena some time in the ring without hurting his quest for the WWE Championship.

What I Disliked:

This match was given enough time for both men to garner offense. I really need to see more moves from Cena in the near future, because his routine has gotten stale. Miz, Sheamus, Orton, Punk, and other guys have added small pieces to their offense so they are not completely repetitive each and every week. The match was good, but not great. I feel like they are giving the fans average matches each week, excluding some from Ziggler or Orton. I want to see some more progress with the Intercontinental Championship chase. Who is Miz going to fend off? Will there be some sort of story to tell? I hope, but it looks doubtful.

Grade: B-


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