What’s Bothering Me: HHH-Lesnar II, Neck Moves Banned, Punk>Cena

Note: I will be discussing the following topics more in-depth on tonight's live edition of the Voice of Wrestling. Tune in live from 6:30-7:30 EST, exclusively on WrestleZone.com and the VOW Network.

#3. Criticism of WWE's Ban on Neck Moves

What's bothering me isn't the fact WWE banned moves targeting the neck during their new Saturday morning program, but rather the criticism they've been receiving for doing so.

Do you want to know why this new show, its concept, and the new rule doesn't appeal to you? Because it's not supposed to! It is a show meant to entertain kids, remind parents that WWE is in fact kid-friendly, and attract more advertisers that generally won't touch combative or "violent" programming. It's business, and for some reason, the majority of the IWC can never seem to grasp that.  

This isn't proof of things to come either. Blame PG all you want, but this would would have been a good idea just the same during the Attitude era.

Go watch the Kofi Kingston/Heath Slater match from Saturday's debut edition of the show. Tell me everything that's missing as a direct result of the new no-neck rule. Then, take those and subtract the ones that kids are NOT going to think of or care about. I'll bet all the money I have you end up with zero.

When you're not sure what's supposed to be there, it's hard to know what's missing.

I think we've made way too big a deal out of this whole thing, especially when you consider the fact that the ones complaining about the new rule would have never watched the new Saturday show in the first place.


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