#1. CM Punk Outdraws John Cena At Wizard World
So what? Who cares? It's f'n Wizard World!
I've read where some are using the news of CM Punk outdrawing John Cena at a recent Comic Con convention as justification of their anti-Cena movement. Maybe it's a pro-Punk movement? I'm not sure I can tell the difference these days.
In either case, let me point out a few things to squash your theories before they get out of hand:
– The convention was in Chicago!
Oh, look at that — I only needed one!
Arrogant sarcasm aside, let's not read more into this than there really is. I'm pretty sure Wizard World and comic book conventions are a thing of the past, which means the majority of Cena's fanbase (kids) would never go to one in the first place. Punk has an older, more intellectual following, meaning this type of event would fall right in line with something they'd find interesting.
I'm with you on the idea that Cena's character needs a refreshing change of some kind, but to assume the CeNation is crumbling because Punk outdrew him at a geek convention is absurd. It's also insulting to Punk's superstardom too.
It's funny — John Cena could save a baby kitten from a burning fire and I think some of you would take that as him being a dog hater.
It gets pretty ridiculous at times.
Chris Cash can be followed on Twitter @RealityofChris or emailed at [email protected].