Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 8-24

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston defeats Primo and Epico

What I Liked:
These two tag teams make quick work in a match that was basically used to have Kofi and Truth look strong. Primo and Epico are really good wrestlers but their team is not that intriguing. They lack a real personality or a specific talent package. Truth and Kingston worked quickly and effectively tonight, and Truth opens his arsenal up with a sitdown suplex. The finish was clean and made the champions get over once again. I liked this match because it was simple and quick.
What I Disliked:
Last time we saw Primo and Epico, they beat PTP. Now, they lose to the champions. Are they faces or heels? What is the point of this match, only to further the chase for PTP? I wonder how they will impliment two teams into the mix even though they both lost to Kofi and Truth. I wouldn't mind seeing more teams get added to this mix.
Grade: B-
-PTP, Primo and Epico, The Uso's, Gabriel and Kidd, and Kofi/Truth are backstage and end up in a brawl. They all want a shot at the Tag Titles that Kofi and Truth hold. I enjoyed this very much, give us more action and more complex stories with the tag teams.

Alberto Del Rio defeats Randy Orton

What I Liked:
Smackdown ends with a rematch from Raw, but with a title shot on the line. Throughout the match, I felt like Orton would win easily. I figure that Sheamus would be on the helping side of Randy, but I noticed some differences in the match that I thought otherwise. Yes, we had Randy Orton counter some of Del Rio's moves and hit his vintage moves. He would set up Del Rio for numerous clotheslines, followed by a big body slam off the ropes. Orton then was able to hit his DDT, and that set up for the finish. Instead, Del Rio was able to escape quickly and lock in the Cross Armbreaker. This was a quick and effective reversal that Orton does not usually see. I was shocked to see Orton tap out quickly and in a non controversial way. I thought it helped Del Rio overall look much more stronger, but it also came to the expense of Orton taking the clean loss.
What I Disliked:
Once again, Orton can lose and still be viewed as a top competitor. This is due to the amount of success over the years he has been with the company. I really do not want to see Del Rio vs. Sheamus one more time, but it looks like that is what they are trying to get. After the match, Dolph Ziggler teases a cash in, but Orton hits an RKO on him. I am excited to see if Orton vs. Ziggler pans out on a strong way, but I still do not like Ziggler trying to cash in every single week. It is getting to a point that his win will not feel as shocking or important when he actually does cash in.
Grade: B+
Smackdown Grade: B
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