Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 8-20-12

Damien Sandow defeats Brodus Clay

What I Liked:

This match was rumored for Summerslam, so I expected this to occur tonight. Brodus Clay dominates early in the match, hits a belly to belly suplex, and hits a diving splash. Sandow steals the victory with a quick rollup. I thought this was great, to see Sandow win in a different way than the norm. We have seen his aggression, so this change tonight was fresh and did not make Clay look terribly weak. Clay dominates Sandow after the match, and the kids come to dance.

What I Disliked:

Damien Sandow would be a perfect competitor in a feud with Christian or Rey Mysterio. He should step away from Clay after tonight and focus on former champions. He can benefit from this, and the feud here has little to no steam left. He continues to beat Clay, so what else is there to do? Sandow has a great ability at an early time in his career to get heat from the crowd. Now is the perfect time to move him onto a higher profile feud. He could easily tag with someone like Del Rio in tag matches on Smackdown. I just fear this cycle with Sandow could continue with Clay.

Grade: B-

HBKShawn Michaels Via Satellite

What I Liked:

Shawn Michaels talks about Triple H and all of the pressure he put on himself. He talks about how hard it is to lose and have millions of people watching. It was a very dramatic and compelling way for Michaels to talk about Triple H and his career. We basically get Michaels saying The Game's career is over.

What I Disliked:

This was a little too dramatic. I really hope this does not end up being Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. Can Shawn just stay retired? He needs to go away for an extended time. I enjoy seeing him from time to time, but it is getting to the point where it is not special. A guy with his career should come back only for special occasions. Also, did Hunter die? Geez, this isn't a Eulogy.

Grade: C+


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