Title This: 2012 WWE SummerSlam Reaction

Brock LesnarBrock Lesnar def. Tripe H via Submission

What I Liked:

The lights go out and Summerslam feels like it has the big fight feel to it. The spotlight was certainly on these two competitors. Brock lesnar works on Triple H's arm right from the beginning. I love the fact that lesnar has not really lost his MMA skills, focuses on his grappling technique and brute strength in the ring. Triple h was a great call for an opponent because he has the look, the size and the aggression to put lesnar to the test. Back and forth in the match, both men fought. This wasn't a wrestling match, this was a good ole fashioned fight. Both men broke out of their finishers, had plenty of reversals, and made the match worth the main event billing. The outcome is when Brock lesnar "breaks" Triple H's arm with his Kimura Lock. Even though I am a fan of the F5, The Game needed to be emasculated. Brock Lesnar gets the victory and solidifies himself even more than he already was. He needed this more than Triple H, especially after that horrible loss to John Cena at Extreme Rules.

Grade: A-

Final Summerslam Grade: C+


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