Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 8-7-12

KaneKane def. The Miz

What I Liked:

I enjoyed the pairing of this match, especially since Kane has proven that he can compete with basically anyone and put on a good match. He basically squashes Miz, which I have a problem with.

What I Disliked:

Here is my issue. The Miz comes back and immediately wins the IC Title. You try to bring someone of his ilk in and establish himself as one of the top 5 guys in the company. Why in the world do you have him get squashed by Kane? He showed no signs of offense, a chance to win, or the ability to carry the match. Forget The Miz, apparently, because that is what they told me to do tonight with the booking of him.

Grade: C-

-Sheamus destroys Del Rio's car in what I thought was a funny bit for the overall part of their segments. I enjoyed the fact they acknowledged their on going rivalry.

John Cena def. Daniel Bryan

What I Liked:

This was the most solid and entertaining match of the night. Daniel Bryan looked great with Cena, epecialy when using his kicks in the chest to ground his opponent. Cena would garner offense, but Bryan hit an absolutely perfect headbutt. Go back and watch how his neck snapped back, it looked dangerous but really good. They had plenty of time for mixing in some reversals, close pinfalls, and helped both men not over exaggerate their strengths. It was pure excellence when Bryan argued with the fan heading into the break, yelling "NO!" I absolutely love how he is thriving in all aspects right now, and is one of their "it" guys in any circumstance. Cena would get interrupted by Punk after the match, but it was Big Show who knocked out both guys. This was a very smart call because Big Show is the 3rd option for this match. Everyone will buy into Cena or Punk winning, and Show is an underdog. This gave him instant relevance in a match where he should be featured more. I said I do not get why he gets so many chances, but in this instance, Show neds to b ebelieved he can win. If not, what is the point of having him in the match?

Grade: A-

Raw Grade: B

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