Title This: WWE Smackdown Reacton 8-3-12

Randy OrtonRandy Orton def. Alberto Del Rio

What I Liked:

Welcome back, Randy. Whether you love or hate his character, his star power should never be questioned. He is the face of Smackdown, the John Cena of Friday Nights. Orton does a good job getting back to basics, with nothing really new in his arsenal this week. He hits a back breaker which gives him the early advantage, and focuses his strikes on Del Rio's chest. We get the smooth flow from clotheslines to the hanging DDT, and Del Rio tries to escape. Sheamus comes out and throws him back into the ring and Orton connects with an RKO. Good match to bring back Orton, but I did have a few issues with it.

What I Disliked:

It looks like Orton will get no punishment after the suspension. Also, when will Alberto Del Rio actually look like a strong heel and not a coward? His character is getting so frustrating when they book him to lose to Orton, and basically be a whipping boy throughout the match. Does this frustrate you as it does with me?

Grade: B

Smackdown Grade: C

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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