Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 7-20

Dolph ZigglerRoad Warrior Animal def. Heath Slater

What I Liked:

Alright, we get it. Slater loses again to a legend. I am getting to a point where this should not take place of a Ryback or Rhodes match.

What I Disliked:

Do we really care about Animal? The other guys were good because they were single's stars. Animal never was. This is also Smackdown, let the legends stay on Raw building up to Raw 1,000.

Grade: D

Sheamus and Rey Mysterio def. Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler

What I Liked:

We get a really good match between four excellent competitors. Del Rio does a great job attacking the battled down Mysterio, but it was more of what Ziggler did. I felt like he had a great match here, able to gain offense on a more powerful Sheamus and controlled alot of the action throughout. I liked the old school feel of tag team wrestling between Del Rio and Ziggler, using quick tags to make them seem fresh. Good psychology in the ring. The bright spots were when Ziggler hit a picture perfect neckbreaker on Rey, as well as Sheamus able to connect with White Noise. After the match, I love how Ziggler is teasing time and time again to cash in. Keep it in everyone's mind at all times. This makes him more dangerous and more must see.

What I Disliked:

Did we really need a disqualification again tonight? I am sick of seeing really good matches end in such a lackluster manner. Sheamus would not lose steam by getting pinned clean. When was the last time Sheamus lost a match clean? It has to be a very long time.

Grade: B

Smackdown Grade: B-

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