Josh Isenberg's Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Women in Wrestling

Number 2: Dixie Carter

Dixie Carter

I was skeptical of myself ranking Dixie at number two. With the storyline brewing, she has become the most interesting female on TNA. She should never wrestle, but she is using her real life powers to try and make her seem more important. Dixie is an attractive older woman who is able to learn the business from those who know it. She was smart in taking a backseat for a very long time, but now she wants to be Vince. She wants to make an angle that will showcase her versatility. Dedicated by the almighty dollar, she has had a plethora of money to use. Is TNA in a better spot now than ever? Absolutely, but she needs to continue to learn. This feud will show you all you need to know about her. Dixie is the second most interesting and important female currently on either show, even if you think the storyline is garbage.


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